Will Yeshua have a "tattoo" on His thigh?
by Hanok ben Isaak
Most New Testament translations (including most Greek manuscripts) have Revelation 19:11-16 indicating Yeshua will have a "tattoo" on his thigh, as what follows:

And I saw the heaven opened, and there was a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Trustworthy and True, and in righteousness He judges and fights. And His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns, having a Name that had been written, which no one had perceived except Himself and having been dressed in a robe dipped in blood - and His Name is called: The Word of  hwhy. And the armies in the heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations. And He shall shepherd them with a rod of iron. And He treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of El Shaddai. And on His robe and on His thigh (or "banner") He has a name written: SOVEREIGN OF SOVEREIGNS AND MASTER OF MASTERS.

The idea that Yeshua would have a tattoo on his thigh or anywhere on His body is in direct conflict with Leviticus 19:28, which states:

"And do not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor put tattoo marks on you. I am  hwhy ."

The following was taken from the Explanatory notes under "Thigh" in The Scriptures (TS98) version. It references the problem with Lev. 19:28 and a possible solution to the conflict.

"Thigh: There is no record of any monarch having either his name, or his titles, written in his thigh for John to have come up with this phrase. Here we have a strong indication of Revelation originally being written in Hebrew. If this word was written in Hebrew, it would have been ragel. It's possible though, that the copiers of Revelation could have overlooked the small extension of the dalet (d), which would have made it a resh (r). If the word was dagel, it would have meant "banner", which makes much more sense than "thigh", because in the latter case two rules are broken:
(1) In Way. 19:28 we are forbidden to make tattoo's on our bodies [Leviticus 19:28].
(2) A person whose thigh was exposed was considered naked. See Mk. 14:51, Shem. 28:42, Way. 16:4. When Revelation was copied it would have been easy to see the Hebrew "d" (d) as a "r" (r), if the former was not carefully written down. F.F. Bruce in the New International Bible Commentary p.1624 says that if one assumes a Semitic original underlies John's Greek, a copyist error might have replaced the Hebrew or Aramaic word for banner, degel, with the word for leg, regel. As the Hebrew script developed, the dalet and the resh, especially from around 700 BCE and onwards looked almost identical. It is also seems that Messiah, when he appeared to his followers He spoke Hebrew, even though they could understand Greek very well (Acts 26:14)."

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