For most professing Christians, Easter is a yearly festive occasion celebrated with meals and family gatherings. Since the pagan roots of Easter are either not known, denied, or dismissed as irrelevant, these same “Christians” make believe Easter Sunday is a Messiah-centered holiday that celebrates His resurrection.

They have their children in Sunday School coloring pictures of Yeshua exiting the tomb on Sunday morning with the stone rolled out of the way and the sun rising in the background. Flowers are blooming and a bunny is hopping by. Everything is a springy pastel dreamland. Meanwhile, they’re busy worshipping a god who failed Pre-K math and singing praises to an “all powerful” god who has to rationalize his inconsistencies with idioms and semantic convulsions.

It is total darkness. The Easter story is a diabolical narrative that presumes to commemorate Yeshua Messiah’s victory over death in the name of the pagan goddess Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven, who’s name, according to Jeremiah the prophet, should not even be uttered. And if that wasn’t blasphemous enough, the classic Easter story told by almost every “Christian” organization out there makes Yeshua Messiah out to be a liar and a fraud.

Let’s compare the traditional Easter narrative to the Biblical Narrative with the following passage in mind:

“But He answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And there shall be no sign given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the huge fish, so the Son of Man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:39-40 MKJV).

The traditional Easter Narrative claims Yeshua was crucified on Friday afternoon, buried Friday evening before 6:00pm, and remained in the grave until He resurrected on Sunday morning.

It doesn’t take a mathematician to see that this is barely, if at all, 36 hours. It’s most certainly not three days and three nights!

You can’t even include Friday afternoon as one of the three days in the Easter timeline because Yeshua wasn’t in the grave until moments before Friday was over, and His prophecy said, “the Son of Man will be in the belly of the earth…” not “will be dead for….” But, disregarding the Word of Elohim, most theologians, bound in their confusion, argue that since He was technically in the ground for a portion, however momentary, of three different days, that Yeshua still technically kept His word. They insist that the phrase – “three days and three nights” – is just an idiom or figure of speech.

This is nonsense. Yehovah expects and allows us to take Him at His Word. The Truth is simple and clear. It is logical and consistent. It’s all there in the Scriptures.

Consider that the Jewish understanding of a day is sundown until sundown, as described in Genesis 1:5, “And the evening and the morning were the first day.” This wording is used repetitively in Gen 1:8, 13, 19, 23, and 31 to establish Yehovah’s definition of a day. A day consists of an evening and a morning, a night and a day.

“The Biblical definition of day is confirmed throughout the Scriptures. If Yeshua wasn’t in the grave for three days and three nights, then how long were Abraham and Isaac journeying to Mount Moriah? A day and a half? It says in the Scriptures in the story of Jonah that Nineveh was such a large city that it took three days for a man to traverse it? Is that an idiom as well? Was that three days starting Monday at sundown and arriving Wednesday morning (with travel during the day and not at night – “Yeshua answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble because he sees the light of the world” – John 11:9 MKJV)? If so, then Nineveh couldn’t have been that big.

I’ve never heard of anyone doubting that Jonah was in the whale for three days and three nights or doubting that Abraham travelled for a full three days with Isaac, and yet it seems very few are willing to take Yeshua Messiah at His word, even though the events with Abraham and Jonah were foreshadowings of His death and resurrection.

Another perfect demonstration of the Biblical definition of a “day” and the Master’s will concerning His death and resurrection is found in the story of Lazarus.

We read that Martha expresses concern over Lazarus’ state of decay after three days.

“Yeshua said, Lift the stone. Martha, the sister of the one that had died, said to Him, Lord, he already smells, for it is the fourth day.” (John 11:39).

Lazarus wasn’t in the grave for two full days and a portion of two others, otherwise Martha wouldn’t have been concerned about him stinking. Decay takes time.

Lazarus had been in the grave for three days and three nights. There was no room for misunderstanding. He was dead. He wasn’t in a coma nor was he asleep. There are even records of some Talmudic Jews periodically observing the dead during the first three days so that they could be sure it was not a case of “pseudo-death.” That’s why Yeshua intentionally delayed His arrival in Bethany, so it was very clear that Lazarus was dead.

Yeshua had already raised two people who were dead for a short while but He was about to prove He could raise a man who had been undeniably dead for some time. Yeshua raised Lazarus from the dead even after he had been dead for a full three days and three nights.

It’s written that Elohim carefully planned the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead so “that the Son of Elohim be glorified by it” (John 11:4). Yeshua made it clear that an important aspect of Lazarus’ resurrection glorifying Him was the timeline. Lazarus had to be undeniably dead, and being in the grave for three days and three nights was an assurance of that.

Now ask yourself this: Would Yeshua not guarantee that same assurance for His greatest miracle – raising Himself from the dead? If He didn’t, wouldn’t that make His Resurrection a lesser miracle than the raising of Lazarus? I know Yeshua personally and I know that He is Consistent, Faithful and True to His Word. He is His Word. He isn’t an idiom.

The proof for three days and three nights is recorded clearly in the Gospels.

The first key to understanding the Biblical narrative of the Crucifixion is remembering that along with the weekly Sabbaths, there were also yearly Sabbaths, known as “high days.” One of these yearly Sabbaths was the Passover feast day. This is what John was noting in John 19:31:

“Then the Jews, because it was Preparation, begged Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away, so that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath. For that Sabbath was a high day” (MKJV).

Next, read Mark 16:1:

“Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might come and anoint Him” (EMTV).

It clearly states that they purchased spices to anoint Yeshua’ body AFTER the Sabbath was over.

Now read Luke 23:55-24:2:

“And the women who had come with Him from Galilee followed after, and they observed the tomb and how His body was placed. Then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. And they rested on the Sabbath, according to the commandment. And on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone having been rolled away from the tomb” (EMTV).

We read in this passage very clearly that they kept the Sabbath according to the commandment (the weekly Sabbath) AFTER buying and preparing the spices for anointing His body. These passages would be contradictory if you stick to the Easter concoction, but they make perfect sense if you can see the Truth.

Let’s put these Scriptures together and understand the Biblical timeline that proves Yeshua Messiah an Elohim of His Word.

Fourth day of the week (Wednesday) – Day before Passover feast. Yeshua dies at 3:00PM and is laid in the grave just as the sun goes down.

Fifth day of the week (Thursday) – His first full day in the belly of the Earth, which began on Wednesday evening. It began with the Passover meal being eaten, and was a High Sabbath day. The women couldn’t have bought or prepared spices at any time during this day.

Sixth day of the week (Friday) – His second full day in the belly of the Earth. Not a Sabbath day. The women bought and prepared the spices before evening when the weekly Sabbath day began.

Note: If you stick to the Easter story, the women would have to have gone out after dark, on Saturday night when the Sabbath was over, to buy spices. What are the odds of the women going out in the dark to buy spices to anoint Yeshua when the disciples were still locking their doors on Sunday night for fear of the Jewish leaders? It would have been frightening enough to go out during the day.

Seventh day of the week (Saturday) – His third full day in the belly of the Earth. The women were resting again as it says in Luke.

At the end of three full 24-hour days, Yeshua raises Himself from the dead just before the Sabbath is over, just as He was laid in the belly of the Earth moments before the fourth day of the week was ending exactly three days and three nights prior.

He didn’t rise on Sunday morning! There is absolutely no testimony in the Scriptures of this being true. There was an earthquake and a rolling back of the stone on Sunday morning, but Yeshua was already gone. He didn’t need the stone rolled back to exit the tomb just as He didn’t need the door opened to join the disciples in their locked home in John 20:19.

He was in the grave precisely as long as He declared He would be.


Paul says it well in Romans 3:3-4:

“For what if some were without faith? Will their lack of faith nullify the faithfulness of Elohim? May it never be! Yes, let Elohim be found true, but every man a liar” (WEB).

There’s no misunderstanding or rationalization that can excuse calling Elohim a liar.